
Frequently Asked Questions about the Kruger Park

General Info

Are there any restrictions on activities in Kruger Park?
What wildlife can be found in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
How do I get to Kruger Park?
Can tourists visit the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
Is Kruger Park safe to visit?

Health and Safety

What are some environmental concerns in South Africa?
What are some common cultural customs in South Africa?
Are there any health risks associated with visiting Kruger National Park?
Are there any precautions I can take to prevent mosquito bites?
Are there medical facilities available in Kruger National Park?


Can you hear spotted hyenas laughing?
Are lions sometimes injured by their prey?
Are Klipspringers endangered?
Can elephant tusks grow back?
How often do female lions produce cubs?


What should I do if I am bitten by a Boomslang in Kruger Park?
Are the snakes in Kruger National Park venomous?
What happens if a Mozambique spitting cobra bites you?
What is the best way to avoid a Black Mamba bite?
What does the Black Mamba look like?


What is the The Masorini archaeological site?
What archaeological sites are located in the Kruger Park?
What was the original purpose of Kruger National Park?
What is the history of the Sabi Game Reserve?
What was the role of James Stevenson-Hamilton in the history of Kruger National Park?


Are there any rare or endangered plant species in Kruger National Park?
What animals eat the fruit of the Sausage Tree?
What is a Jackalberry tree?
Are there any cultural or spiritual associations with the Marula Tree?
Can baobab trees be grown outside of Africa?


Do ostriches fly?
How do African Fish Eagles hunt for fish?
Why are Southern Ground Hornbills endangered?
Are Southern Ground Hornbills dangerous?
Where can African Fish Eagles be found?


What is the Pugnacious Ant?
Are termites harmful to humans?
Are there dangerous moths in the Kruger Park?
What is a Rain Spider?
How do termites build their mounds?