
Frequently Asked Questions about the Kruger Park

General Info

What kind of wildlife can be seen in Kruger Park?
What wildlife can be found in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
Can tourists visit the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
What are the benefits of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
Why are the conservation fees for International Guests so much more expensive than for South African Residents?

Health and Safety

Should I be worried about Malaria in Kruger Park?
What are some common cultural customs in South Africa?
Can I swim in the rivers or dams in Kruger National Park?
Are there any safety tips for driving in Kruger National Park?
What should I do if I experience a medical emergency in Kruger National Park?


How fast can cheetahs run?
Are Thick Tailed Bushbabies territorial and to they actively defend their territory?
What do Klipspringers eat?
How much does a leopard eat per day?
How often do female lions produce cubs?


What should I do if I encounter a Boomslang in Kruger Park?
Why is black mamba called black mamba?
What is the Black Mamba?
What should I do if I encounter a snake in Kruger National Park?
What should I do if I encounter a Black Mamba?


What was Harry Wolhuter's contribution to the Kruger Park?
What was the significance of the Sabie Game Reserve in the creation of Kruger National Park?
What is the Thulamela archaeological site?
Who was James Stevenson-Hamilton?
What is the The Masorini archaeological site?


How can you identify a Jackalberry tree?
What is the life cycle of a mopane tree?
What is the Jackalberry tree's role in the ecosystem?
Are the fruits of the Sausage Tree edible for humans?
What are some traditional uses of the Marula Tree?


What Birds can be found in the Kruger Park?
How fast can ostriches run?
How do African Fish Eagles hunt for fish?
How big are ostriches?
Why are Southern Ground Hornbills endangered?


What does the Golden orb spider eat?
What is the role of termites in the ecosystem?
What does the Golden orb spider look like?
What is the largest insect found in the Kruger Park?
Which are the most aggressive ants found in the Kruger Park?