
Frequently Asked Questions about the Kruger Park

General Info

What is the best time to visit Kruger Park?
What is the objective of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
What is Kruger Park?
Are there any restrictions on activities in Kruger Park?
What kind of wildlife can be seen in Kruger Park?

Health and Safety

What should I do if I experience a medical emergency in Kruger National Park?
Is it safe to drink the tap water in South Africa?
Is crime a concern for visitors to South Africa?
What should I do if I encounter a wild animal in Kruger National Park?
Are there any vaccinations required to visit South Africa?


Do lions often become man eaters?
What is the biggest animal killed by hyaenas?
When do young lions become independent?
Do all male lions possess a mane?
What is the preferred habitat of the leopard?


How venomous is the Mozambique spitting cobra?
What is a Boomslang?
Where is the Black Mamba found?
How long does the Black Mamba's venom take to kill?
How many snakes are in Kruger National Park?


What is the history of the Sabi Game Reserve?
What historical monuments can be found in the Kruger Park?
What were some of the major challenges faced by Kruger National Park in its early years?
What is the Thulamela archaeological site?
What are some of the cultural heritage sites found in the Kruger Park?


What kind of flora can be found in Kruger National Park?
Why are mopane trees important?
How old can baobab trees get?
Are Marula Trees endangered?
How long does a Jackalberry tree live?


How do African Fish Eagles hunt for fish?
Are Southern Ground Hornbills dangerous?
Where can you find Southern Ground Hornbills?
Why are Southern Ground Hornbills endangered?
What is a Southern Ground Hornbill?


How big are termite mounds in Kruger Park?
What is the most venomous spider found in Africa?
Can Golden orb spiders be kept as pets?
What are some interesting facts about termite mounds found in the Kruger Park?
What is the largest spider found in the Kruger Park?