
Frequently Asked Questions about the Kruger Park

General Info

How is the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park managed?
Can tourists visit the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
What are the benefits of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
Are there guided tours available in Kruger Park?
What is Kruger Park?

Health and Safety

Are there any safety tips for driving in Kruger National Park?
What should I do if I experience a medical emergency in South Africa?
Should I be worried about Malaria in Kruger Park?
Are there any restrictions on camping in Kruger National Park?
What are some environmental concerns in South Africa?


Can lions climb trees?
Are Warthogs fast?
How often do female lions produce cubs?
What are the Thick Tailed Bushbabies enemies?
Is there a specific breeding season, and how long is the gestation period of a cheetah?


What does a Boomslang look like?
Can the Black Mamba be kept as a pet?
What should I do if I am bitten by a Boomslang in Kruger Park?
Can visitors handle or touch snakes in Kruger National Park?
What snake kills the fastest in Kruger Park?


What was the significance of the Sabie Game Reserve in the creation of Kruger National Park?
What historical monuments can be found in the Kruger Park?
What are some of the cultural heritage sites found in the Kruger Park?

What were some of the major challenges faced by Kruger National Park in its early years?


Where can I find the Sausage Tree in Kruger National Park?
Are Buffalo Thorn Trees important to the ecosystem of the Kruger Park?
What is the importance of the flora in Kruger National Park?
What are the various uses of the Marula found in the Kruger Park?
Are there any rare or endangered plant species in Kruger National Park?


How do African Fish Eagles hunt for fish?
How big are ostriches?
Do ostriches fly?
What is a Southern Ground Hornbill?
How do you identify an African Fish Eagle?


What is the most venomous spider found in Africa?
Are Golden orb spiders venomous?
Are termites harmful to humans?
What type of termites are found in Kruger Park?
What do termites eat?