
Frequently Asked Questions about the Kruger Park

General Info

Are there guided tours available in Kruger Park?
Are there any restrictions on activities in Kruger Park?
Can I do a self-drive safari in Kruger Park?
What kind of wildlife can be seen in Kruger Park?
Can tourists visit the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?

Health and Safety

Are there any safety concerns when driving in South Africa?
Can I swim in the rivers or dams in Kruger National Park?
What are some environmental concerns in South Africa?
Is it safe to drink the tap water in South Africa?
Are there medical facilities available in Kruger National Park?


What should I do if I encounter a dangerous mammal in Kruger National Park?
What do Mountain Reedbucks eat?
Are Honey Badgers endangered?
Can elephant tusks grow back?
Do lions hide during rainy weather?


Are the snakes in Kruger National Park venomous?
Where is the Black Mamba found?
What snake kills the most humans in Africa?
How does the Black Mamba hunt its prey?
What is the Black Mamba?


What historical monuments can be found in the Kruger Park?
What was the significance of the Sabie Game Reserve in the creation of Kruger National Park?
What are some of the cultural heritage sites found in the Kruger Park?
What is the The Masorini archaeological site?


What is a Jackalberry tree?
Can visitors pick or remove plants from Kruger National Park?
When is the best time to see the flowers in Kruger National Park?
Are there any rare or endangered plant species in Kruger National Park?
What is the Sausage Tree?


How do Southern Ground Hornbills communicate?
What is a Southern Ground Hornbill?
Where can you find Southern Ground Hornbills?
What Birds can be found in the Kruger Park?
Why are Southern Ground Hornbills endangered?


Are Golden orb spiders venomous?
What is the largest spider found in the Kruger Park?
What is the most venomous spider found in Africa?
What type of termites are found in Kruger Park?
What does the Golden orb spider eat?