
Frequently Asked Questions about the Kruger Park

General Info

Is Kruger Park safe to visit?
What is the objective of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
How do I get to Kruger Park?
Do I need to book accommodation in advance?
What is the best time to visit Kruger Park?

Health and Safety

Are there any restrictions on camping in Kruger National Park?
Is it safe to drink the tap water in South Africa?
What should I do if I experience a medical emergency in Kruger National Park?
Are there any safety concerns when driving in South Africa?
Should I be worried about Malaria in Kruger Park?


What do Vervet Monkeys eat?
Do leopards returns to the prey left in a tree?
What is a Serval?
What type of habitat do spotted hyenas prefer?
How much meat can a lion consume during one meal?


How fast can the Black Mamba move?
What snake kills the most humans in Africa?
How can I avoid encountering snakes in Kruger National Park?
What should I do if I am bitten by a Boomslang in Kruger Park?
What snake kills the fastest in Kruger Park?


What was the significance of the Sabie Game Reserve in the creation of Kruger National Park?
When was Kruger National Park established?
What are some of the cultural heritage sites found in the Kruger Park?
Who was James Stevenson-Hamilton?
What is the history of the Sabi Game Reserve?


Why are baobab trees important?
How is beer made from the Marula found in the Kruger Park?
What is a mopane tree?
Are the fruits of the Sausage Tree edible for humans?
Are Marula Trees endangered?


Are Southern Ground Hornbills dangerous?
How do you identify an African Fish Eagle?
What is the size of an African Fish Eagle?
What is the significance of ostriches in African culture?
What do Southern Ground Hornbills eat?


Where can Golden orb spiders be found in Kruger Park?
Are there any butterflies that are only found in the Kruger Park?
Which are the most aggressive ants found in the Kruger Park?
What do termites eat?
How long do Golden orb spiders live?