
Frequently Asked Questions about the Kruger Park

General Info

How big is the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
Can tourists visit the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
Why are the conservation fees for International Guests so much more expensive than for South African Residents?
What is the objective of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
Do I need a visa to visit Kruger Park?

Health and Safety

Are there any health risks associated with visiting Kruger National Park?
Are there any restrictions on camping in Kruger National Park?
Is crime a concern for visitors to South Africa?
Are there medical facilities available in Kruger National Park?
What are some common cultural customs in South Africa?


How big are porcupines?
Are Mountain Reedbucks dangerous?
Are Vervet Monkeys intelligent?
How fast can Blue wildebeest run?
What kind of sounds do cheetahs make?


How does the Black Mamba hunt its prey?
What is the best way to avoid a Black Mamba bite?
Are Mozambique spitting cobras aggressive towards humans?
What does the Black Mamba look like?
What do Boomslangs eat?


Who was James Stevenson-Hamilton?

What is the The Masorini archaeological site?
What were some of the major challenges faced by Kruger National Park in its early years?
What is the history of the Sabi Game Reserve?


Are there any threats to the Jackalberry tree population?
How can you identify a Jackalberry tree?
What is the fruit of the Buffalo Thorn Tree used for?
What is the Jackalberry tree's role in the ecosystem?
Can baobab trees be grown outside of Africa?


Are Southern Ground Hornbills dangerous?
What is the significance of ostriches in African culture?
Can you see African Fish Eagles in Kruger National Park?
How do you identify an African Fish Eagle?
Why are Southern Ground Hornbills endangered?


How do termites build their mounds?
What is the largest insect found in the Kruger Park?
Are Golden orb spiders venomous?
What is a Rain Spider?
Can the Six-eyed sand spider be found in the Kruger Park?