
FAQ's on: Mammals

Are porcupines dangerous to humans?

What is the size and weight of an Aardwolf?

What do spotted hyenas eat?

Are cheetahs solitary animals?

Do Brown Hyenas live in packs?

Which habitat to lions prefer?

Do baboons have a specific leader and how is dominance established?

How is the prey of a cheetah caught and killed?

What is the gestation period for spotted hyenas?

Are cheetahs dangerous to man?

Are Servals social animals?

How much does a leopard eat per day?

Are there black leopards in the Kruger Park?

What is a Brown Hyena?

What is the lifespan of a porcupine?

To what diseases are baboons susceptible?

How long do Suni live?

What do Mountain Reedbucks look like?

Do Thick Tailed Bushbabies demarcate their territory?

Can you hear spotted hyenas laughing?

Do other predators prey upon leopard?

Why do leopards hang their prey in trees?

What is the preferred habitat of the leopard?

May I feed the animals in Kruger Park?

What is the size of the average lion litter?

Are lions cannibalistic?

Can visitors interact with the mammals in Kruger National Park?

What kind of sounds do cheetahs make?

Are Klipspringers easy to spot in Kruger National Park?

Were lions ever found on continents other than Africa?

What are the Thick Tailed Bushbabies enemies?

How can I increase my chances of seeing mammals in Kruger National Park?

Can lions swim?

Do lions scavenge?

How fast can cheetahs run?

What is a hippo?

Are spotted hyenas dangerous to humans?

Can Serval be kept as pets?

When do leopard cubs become independent?

How do elephants use their tusks?