

Scientific Classification
Kingdom ->Animalia
Phylum ->Chordata
Class ->Mammalia
Order ->
Family ->
Genus ->
Species ->.

A pangolin, also known as a scaly anteater, is a mammal native to Africa and Asia. There are eight species of pangolin, all of which are threatened with extinction due to hunting and habitat destruction. The pangolin is unique among mammals in that it is covered in hard, overlapping scales made of keratin, which provide protection against predators.

Physical Characteristics

Pangolins range in size from about 30 to 100 cm (12 to 39 in) in length, depending on the species. They have a small head and a long, thin tail. Pangolins are covered in scales that are made of keratin, the same material that makes up human hair and nails. The scales are hard and provide protection against predators, while the softer skin underneath is used for sensation and temperature regulation.

Habitat and Distribution

Pangolins are found in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia. They inhabit a variety of environments, including forests, grasslands, and deserts. Pangolins are mostly nocturnal and spend much of their time in burrows or trees.

Behavior and Diet

Pangolins are primarily insectivores, feeding on ants and termites. They use their long, sticky tongues to capture prey, and their strong claws to dig into termite mounds and ant nests. Pangolins are also able to close their nostrils and ears to keep out insects while they feed.

Pangolins are solitary animals, and are generally shy and elusive. When threatened, they roll up into a ball, using their scales to protect themselves. Pangolins are also able to emit a noxious-smelling acid from glands near their anus, which can deter predators.

Conservation Status

All eight species of pangolin are threatened with extinction due to hunting and habitat loss. Pangolins are sought after for their meat, which is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, and for their scales, which are used in traditional medicine. Conservation efforts are focused on reducing hunting pressure and protecting pangolin habitat, as well as raising awareness about the plight of the pangolin.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Pangolin

What are the pangolin's scales made of?