
Do lions use specific strategy when they hunt?

Lions hunt as a group and, according to various authors, they use a variety of strategies to catch their prey. Some people believe that the males take up a position from where they can induce the intended prey to run in the direction of the hiding females, who stalk downwind to get into position. The males move upwind in a semicircle into a position where the prey will get their scent, causing the prey to flee downwind in the direction of the waiting females. If one is lucky enough to observe the hunt from start to finish, the above strategy appears to be used most often. However, some authors doubt the existence of cooperative hunting and assume that each member of the pride goes its own way to catch and kill a victim. One should be careful not to apply human reasoning to the actions of animals.

Schaller points out that, when several lions spot potential prey, they usually fan out and stalk them over a broad front. This fanning action may be well coordinated in that those on the flanks will move rapidly while those in the centre will stop or advance slowly. They are thus encircling their intended prey, enhancing their chances of a kill. On spotting the predators, the prey scatter in all directions and in the process some could head in the direction of the hidden members of the pride.

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