
What are the preferred prey species of lion?

Lions generally favour medium to large prey such as zebras, wildebeest, African buffalo and giraffe. They prey on at least 37 species of large and small mammal, ranging in size from hippos, young elephants and giraffes, down to impalas, warthogs, ostrich, small crocodiles and even mice and tortoises. They sometimes kill other carnivores but rarely eat them. In the Park they tend to prey more upon zebras and wildebeest in wet spells and upon buffalo and waterbuck during dry spells.

A kill does not necessarily signify a lions preference, but may rather be as a result of the availability and vulnerability of the prey. Preference ratings differ from one area to another and even within the same area at different times. The rating is calculated by dividing the kill frequency by the relative abundance of the prey. On this basis it was found that waterbuck appear to be the preferred prey of lions. In proportion to the numbers of waterbuck in the Park, therefore, lions kill more waterbuck than any other prey. On the other hand, if the actual numbers of animals killed are considered, wildebeest, zebras and impalas actually feature more prominently than waterbuck.

Considering the biomass of prey killed, larger animals would provide the largest biomass, especially African Buffalo and giraffes, followed by wildebeest, zebras, impalas, kudu and waterbuck. Lions frequently scavenge.

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