
What should I do if I encounter a dangerous mammal in Kruger National Park?

Visitors should always keep a safe distance from dangerous mammals, such as lions and elephants, and follow the advice of park rangers and guides. It is important not to approach or provoke the animals, and to give them space to move freely.

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Why to male lions kill cubs that are not their own?

How fast are cheetahs?

Is the cheetah a true cat?

Are lions sometimes injured by their prey?

What do Aardwolves eat?

Are young adults expelled from the pride?

How is the prey of a cheetah caught and killed?

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Are there black leopards in the Kruger Park?

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Where can Blue wildebeest be found in the Kruger National Park?

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Do lions communicate well?

What are the Thick Tailed Bushbabies enemies?

How fast can impalas run?

What does the leopard diet consist of?

Do baboons have a specific leader and how is dominance established?

What do cheetahs eat?

How long do Suni live?

What is a Honey Badger?

Do lions kill only when they are hungry?

When do hyaenas hunt?

What causes a lion to become a man eater?

Why do African Elephants have wrinkles?

Can elephant tusks grow back?

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How far can the roar of a lion be heard?

When do leopard cubs become independent?

Are spotted hyenas social animals?

Are lions territorial?

How fast can Elands run?

What are the main physical features of the leopard?

Do porcupines have any predators?

Do you want to test your knowledge on the animals of the Kruger National Park?
