
Do lions often become man eaters?

Although people have been attacked and killed and often devoured by lions, mann eating has never posed a serious problem in the Kruger Park. A number of people fleeing the civil war in Mozambique during the 1970s and 1980s, and crossing through the Kruger Park, were killed by lions, but these were not normal circumstances. It is considered that, once a lion kills a human, the lion loses its instinctive fear of humans and may kill a human again should the opportunity arise.

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Why do some males have black manes?

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Does the male or the female lion initiate copulation?

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Do lions communicate well?

Will a lioness allow cubs other than her own to suckle?

Do males often fight over females or in territorial disputes?

Do all male lions possess a mane?

Do lions kill their prey quickly?

Do the female lions do most of the hunting?

Are young adults expelled from the pride?

What is the size of the average lion litter?

Are lions sometimes injured by their prey?

When is the best time for spotting lion?

Are lions cannibalistic?

Do lions scavenge?

Is it true that lions usually mate over a two to three day period?

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