
How is the prey of a cheetah caught and killed?

The classic cheetah hunting technique is a high speed chase, during which the prey is tripped up by knocking it off balance. In the process the dewclaw is dug into the flank and pulled backwards. The cheetah may also slap the hind legs of the prey to bring it down. Once the prey is down the cheetah grabs it by the throat and it is strangled by a sustained grip of the throat. Death of the prey is in almost all cases due to strangulation. The teeth of cheetahs are too short for the stabbing killing bite used by other cats. If possible, the prey is dragged into shade or cover in order to avoid the attention of other carnivores and vultures. Cheetahs are very messy eaters, as they have to eat quickly before they are robbed of their kills.

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