
Do males often fight over females or in territorial disputes?

High intensity fights are not as common as one would imagine. Males do not dispute the possession of a female. Many of the encounters that do take place consist of a few slaps accompanied by much vocalisation and baring of teeth. Determined biting and fights in which one of the combatants is killed are very rare.

Lions also have great recuperative powers and even large wounds tend to heal well. Each lion in a group or in a pride usually knows and responds to the fighting potential of every other member. Even when a stranger is drive out of the prides area, the pursuer usually maintains a certain distance and adjusts his peed to that of the intruder.

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Is there a way that one lion or lioness could avoid aggression from another?

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Do lions kill only when they are hungry?

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When do young lions become independent?

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Can the female lion roar?

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Does a pride of lions accept a stranger?

How large is the average lion pride?

What speed can a lion reach when charging?

Are male lions more aggressive than females?

Are lions territorial?

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How far can the roar of a lion be heard?

Do lions hide during rainy weather?

Are young adults expelled from the pride?

Can lions swim?

Do lions communicate well?

Is it true that lions usually mate over a two to three day period?

Do the female lions do most of the hunting?

Does the male or the female lion initiate copulation?

What is the purpose of roaring and when do lions roar?

Which habitat to lions prefer?

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What are the normal causes of death in lions?

Do lions kill their prey quickly?

Are the senses of a lion well developed?

Do lions scavenge?