
What does a Thick Tailed Bushbaby look like?

The body and bushy tail are covered in a woolly coat of long, thick, soft hair. The upper parts are grey brown to brown with paler underparts. There are dark rings around the eyes and the dark grey ears are naked. Flattened discs of soft thickened skin cover the tips of all the digits and hand palms. Each digit has a nail, except the second digits on the feet, which are equipped with a claw.

Male and female animals have the same head and body length: 27 to 47 cm. The bushy tail is longer than the body and in both sexes ranges from 35 to 45 cm. Males have a mass of 0.9 to 1.6 kg and females 0.9 to 1.45 kg. The head can be rotated almost 180 degrees.