
What are the main physical features of the cheetah?

The cheetah has a small head, long legs and a thin waist. The head, body and legs and two thirds of the long tail are covered in black spots. The last part of the tail is banded, ending in a white tip. The base colour of the upper parts is buff to tawny, while the underparts, chin and throat are white. The anterior belly is faintly spotted. There is a short ruff on the neck and very short mane from the back of the neck to the shoulders. Up to the age of 12 weeks, cubs have a mantle of long grey hair extending along their backs to the base of the tail. The head and ears are small and rounded. The eyes are large and yellowish brown. A conspicuous brown line, knows as the tear stripe or tear streak, runs from the inside of the eyes to the corners of the mouth. The legs are long and the claws of the adult are non retractile and blunt, except for the dewclaw on the front paws, which ends in a sharp hook. Shoulder height in both sexes is between 0.8 m and 1 m, with the males attaining a mass of about 60 kg and the females around 50 kg. The anatomy of the cheetah is adapted for speed. Apart from its long legs, slender body and small head, the nasal passages and lungs are large, the heart is large and strong and the adrenal glands are well developed.

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