
What is the general behaviour of a Thick Tailed Bushbaby?

They are nocturnal animals, with an activity peak in the first two hours after sunset. These little animals are very agile, jumping from branch to branch with the greatest of ease. They can leap as far as 2.5 m and as high as 2 m in a single jump. When on the ground they move along on all fours, with the tail held high, or they jump about on their hind legs.

Thick Tailed Bushbabies sleep in dense vegetation in broad leaved nests, forks of trees, hollows in trees and also in abandoned birds nests. Much time is spent on mutual grooming prior to setting off to forage.

They are arboreal and vulnerable to predation when on the ground. Thick Tailed Bushbabies are semi gregarious and form stable groups of 2 to 6 individuals, both male and female. they rest together during the day and usually forage alone at night along reasonably fixed routes.

Thick Tailed Bushbaby - Kruger Park Hostel

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