
Frequently Asked Questions about the Kruger Park

General Info

What is Kruger Park?
How big is the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
What wildlife can be found in the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
Will I have cell phone reception in Kruger National Park?
Do I need a visa to visit Kruger Park?

Health and Safety

Are there any safety tips for driving in Kruger National Park?
Are there any precautions I can take to prevent mosquito bites?
What should I do if I encounter a wild animal in Kruger National Park?
Is it safe to drink the water in Kruger National Park?
Is crime a concern for visitors to South Africa?


Do Aardwolves have any predators?
Are Klipspringers easy to spot in Kruger National Park?
Do lions eat carrion?
How fast can Blue wildebeest run?
What is the preferred habitat of the leopard?


How venomous is the Boomslang?
Are Mozambique spitting cobras aggressive towards humans?
Why is black mamba called black mamba?
Can visitors handle or touch snakes in Kruger National Park?
What is the best way to avoid a Black Mamba bite?


What are some of the cultural heritage sites found in the Kruger Park?
What was the significance of the Sabie Game Reserve in the creation of Kruger National Park?
What is the history of the Sabi Game Reserve?
What was Harry Wolhuter's contribution to the Kruger Park?
What were some of the major challenges faced by Kruger National Park in its early years?


How long does a Jackalberry tree live?
Can baobab trees be grown outside of Africa?
Is it true that elephants get drunk eating the fruits of a marula tree?
What kind of flora can be found in Kruger National Park?
How is the Buffalo Thorn Tree bark used in traditional African medicine?


Do ostriches fly?
Are Southern Ground Hornbills dangerous?
What do African Fish Eagles eat?
How do you identify an African Fish Eagle?
How do Southern Ground Hornbills communicate?


What type of termites are found in Kruger Park?
What do termites eat?
Can Golden orb spiders be kept as pets?
Which are the most aggressive ants found in the Kruger Park?
What is the most venomous spider found in Africa?