
Frequently Asked Questions about the Kruger Park

General Info

How is the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park managed?
Is Kruger Park safe to visit?
What is the best time to visit Kruger Park?
How big is the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park?
What is the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park (GLTP)?

Health and Safety

Are there any health risks associated with visiting Kruger National Park?
What are some environmental concerns in South Africa?
Are there any safety concerns when driving in South Africa?
What are some common health risks in South Africa?
Can I swim in the rivers or dams in Kruger National Park?


Where can Suni be found in the Kruger National Park?
When do young lions become independent?
What are the preferred prey species of lion?
Is lion cub mortality high?
Are Aardwolves social animals?


Are there any guided tours or educational programs about snakes in Kruger National Park?
What does the Black Mamba look like?
What types of snakes can be found in Kruger National Park?
What should I do if I encounter a Black Mamba?
What is the best way to avoid a Black Mamba bite?


When was Kruger National Park established?
What was the role of James Stevenson-Hamilton in the history of Kruger National Park?
What is the history of the Sabi Game Reserve?
What historical monuments can be found in the Kruger Park?


What is a Jackalberry tree?
What is the Tamboti Tree?
Why are mopane trees important?
What is a Buffalo Thorn Tree?
What is a Marula Tree?


What is an African Fish Eagle?
How fast can ostriches run?
Where can African Fish Eagles be found?
Are Southern Ground Hornbills dangerous?
How do you identify an African Fish Eagle?


What is the largest spider found in the Kruger Park?
Are there dangerous moths in the Kruger Park?
What do termites eat?
How big are termite mounds in Kruger Park?
Can Golden orb spiders be kept as pets?