
What should I do if I encounter a dangerous mammal in Kruger National Park?

Visitors should always keep a safe distance from dangerous mammals, such as lions and elephants, and follow the advice of park rangers and guides. It is important not to approach or provoke the animals, and to give them space to move freely.

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Will a lioness allow cubs other than her own to suckle?

What does the leopard diet consist of?

Does the male or the female lion initiate copulation?

Are Suni social animals?

Do lions move around during the day?

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Are cheetahs dangerous to man?

What is the preferred habitat of the leopard?

Do lions hide during rainy weather?

Can visitors interact with the mammals in Kruger National Park?

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What is a Mountain Reedbuck?

May I feed the animals in Kruger Park?

What are the main physical features of the Lesser Bushbaby?

Do other predators prey upon leopard?

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How do Thick Tailed Bushbabies communicate?

Are leopards very susceptible to disease?

How fast can hyaena run?

What does a Serval look like?

Which habitat to lions prefer?

Why to male lions kill cubs that are not their own?

How do spotted hyenas hunt?

Are lions sometimes injured by their prey?

What is the distribution of lions in the Kruger Park?

Are lions territorial?

What is an Eland?

How can I increase my chances of seeing mammals in Kruger National Park?

Are cheetahs territorial?

Is it true that giraffes have blue tongues?

Do leopards mark their territories?

What is the best time of day to see Elands in Kruger National Park?

Where can Blue wildebeest be found in the Kruger National Park?

What is the scientific name for the spotted hyena?

Are Servals social animals?

Do you want to test your knowledge on the animals of the Kruger National Park?
