
What not to do on Safari in the Kruger Park

There are several things you should avoid doing while on a safari in Africa to ensure your safety and the safety of the wildlife. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Do not get out of the vehicle: The wildlife is unpredictable and dangerous, so it is essential to remain in the vehicle at all times, except in designated areas. Getting out of the vehicle may also disturb the animals and put yourself in harm's way.
  • Elephant on Safari in the Kruger Park
  • Do not feed the animals: Feeding the animals can disrupt their natural diet and behavior, and it can also cause them to become aggressive towards humans.
  • Don't feed the Animals when on Safari in the Kruger Park
  • Do not make loud noises: Loud noises, such as shouting or honking, can startle the animals and cause them to feel threatened. This can lead to aggressive behavior and potentially dangerous situations.
  • On Safari in the Kruger Park
  • Do not litter: Littering can harm the environment and the animals, and it also goes against responsible tourism practices. Always dispose of your trash in designated areas.
  • Cheetha on Safari in the Kruger Park
  • Do not harass or chase the animals: Harassing or chasing the animals can cause them stress, anxiety, and potential injury. Respect their space and observe them from a safe distance.
  • On Safari in the Kruger Park
  • Do not ignore your guide's instructions: Your guide is there to ensure your safety and provide you with an enjoyable safari experience. Follow their instructions at all times, and do not deviate from the designated route or activities.
  • Walking Safari in South Africa
  • By avoiding these actions, you can help ensure that your safari experience is both safe and enjoyable for you and the wildlife.
Lion and cubs on Safari in the kruger Park