
What is the Difference Between a Game Drive and a Safari?

Guest at Poolside surrounded by Zebra


As you plan your adventure in the captivating wilderness of South Africa's Kruger National Park, it's essential to understand the distinctions between two of its most exhilarating experiences: the Game Drive and the Safari. At Kruger Park Hostel, we're here to help you unravel the nuances that set these two wildlife encounters apart.

Elephant viewed on Game Drive into the Kruger National Park

A game drive and a safari are not the same thing, although they are both related to wildlife tourism in Africa. A safari is a Swahili word that means a journey or a trip that involves seeing wild animals and birds in their natural habitats. A game drive is a specific activity or excursion that is part of a safari itinerary, where you drive in an open-sided vehicle in a national park, reserve, or conservancy to spot and observe African wildlife and birdlife.

Uncovering the Origins

Before we delve into the differences, let's briefly explore the historical roots of these terms:


Derived from the Swahili word "safari," meaning "journey" or "expedition," this term has its origins in the expeditions undertaken by European explorers and hunters in the African wilderness during the 19th and 20th centuries.

Game Drive:

This concept harks back to the colonial era when "game" referred to wild animals hunted for sport. "Drive" signified the act of pursuing or tracking these animals. Over time, the focus shifted from hunting to wildlife observation and conservation, giving rise to the modern game drive.

Kruger Park Hostel: Where Worlds Converge

Kruger Park Hostel offers both Safaris and Game Drives, and understanding their differences is key to crafting your ideal wildlife adventure.

Zebra and guest at Kruger Park Hostel

1. Safari at Kruger Park Hostel:

A stay at Kruger Park Hostel is, in essence, an immersive safari experience. Choosing to reside with us places you right in the heart of the wilderness, as we are located within a game reserve, and the animals come right up to the hostel, allowing you to live and breathe the natural world.

Your days at the hostel are filled with the sights and sounds of the wild, including breathtaking sunrises and sunsets. It's an all-encompassing adventure that immerses you fully in Kruger's beauty and tranquility.

2. Game Drive at Kruger Park Hostel:

While your entire stay at Kruger Park Hostel constitutes a safari, the specific activity of venturing into Kruger Park or Lionspruit Reserve to observe animals, often with the hope of encountering the "Big Five" (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros), is what we refer to as a "game drive."

Our experienced guides lead these game drives, sharing insights into the park's flora and fauna. They help you track and observe wildlife, ensuring that your game drive is both educational and exhilarating.

Choosing Your Adventure

While staying at Kruger Park Hostel, situated within a Game Reserve, your visit naturally transforms into a safari experience. To elevate this experience, consider participating in one of our diverse game drive options. Additionally, we provide a range of other activities and excursions, all of which you can explore on our dedicated activity page.

In conclusion, whether you choose to embark on additional game drives and tours for a more immersive safari adventure or simply prefer to unwind by the pool, awaiting the presence of wildlife, your experience at Kruger Park Hostel promises to be truly unforgettable. Whether you're a solo traveler or part of a group, you'll have the opportunity to connect with wonderful, like-minded individuals. You may arrive as a stranger, but you will undoubtedly depart as a cherished friend, carrying with you a wealth of cherished memories.